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Diabetes should pay attention to what aspects of diet?

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2021 8:13 am
by medical-01
Diabetes patients must pay attention to their diet. They should adopt low-salt, low-fat, and low-sugar dietary principles. At the same time, you should also pay attention to a balanced diet, and try to eat more whole grains, such as some corn noodles, buckwheat, oats, etc., you can eat more appropriately. Because these foods contain relatively low calories and low sugar content, they will not have much impact on blood sugar.

At the same time, during the treatment period, do not smoke or drink, actively cooperate with the doctor to relieve symptoms, and eat as little as possible some foods with higher carbohydrate content. Appropriate exercise can strengthen the physique, and exercise has a very good effect on the control of blood sugar. Don't stay up late at night and make sure you get enough sleep. In addition, during treatment, the total calorie intake of a day must be strictly controlled to avoid exceeding the limit.